Monday, January 23, 2012

Life Goals: Not Quite the New Year's Resolutions...

I'm currently a SAHM (that's Stay at home Mom) to my little man, Mason. Being a mom is amazing, but it isn't all I have to offer. Future goals include finishing up pre-reqs and going back for Bachelor's #2: Nursing School, and also having more kids. I realize those things don't always go hand in hand, but if there's a way, I'll find it. The degree I already have: Studio Art, my first passion, which has also been taking a bit of a hiatus. Speaking of goals, I've got to get my studio set up and then figure out how to spend time in there actually making. Right now it's just a room filled with various piles of craft and art supplies somewhere on the third floor. Out of sight, only slightly out of mind. It's true that kids really do absorb your entire day (read: life). Take for example, right now. as I'm writing this post, Mason is asleep on the couch for some undetermined amount of time. As long as I don't type too loudly, I might get to finish this post all in one sitting.

Other goals involve resolving the current life conundrum of Newark, NJ. My husband and I just relocated here, where we know exactly 0 other people, (all the way from Texas), when Mason was only 3 months old. It's been almost 4 months and I'm slowly becoming accustomed to our new world. There's even a few places I can get to without a GPS! And we're trying a few new social groups, but as it turns out, there's a limit to what you can do with a baby! (UNDERSTATMENT).

So there you have it:

Nursing School
Building a new circle
More kids!

All while being a great wife and mother. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Turning Stale Cinnamon Raisin Bread into Biscotti!

I love cinnamon raisin bread, but often found I have a hard time eating up an entire loaf before it goes stale. So this morning, while staring at all this leftover stale bread, I was trying to figure out what I could besides throw it in the trash. I hate wasting food! Suddenly, I wondered if I could make biscotti with it. After a quick google, I found no advice on doing this, so I just decided to wing it. Worst case, I throw it outside for the birds! Ultimately it was a success, and here's what I did.

What you need:

2 TBSP of Butter (or margarine)
Cookie sheet or baking stone
Cinnamon and Sugar Mixture

I started by stacking the bread and cutting it into strips. You can use your judgement here based on what size you want your biscotti to be. I cut about 4 to 5 strips out of each piece of bread.

Next distribute the pieces onto your cookie sheet or stone. Melt your butter (I just zapped it in the microwave) and dip a basting brush. Next just dab all your strips of bread. Don't soak the bread or it won't crisp well in the oven.

Sprinkle with cinnamon/sugar mixture and toast at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes, then flip and repeat.

After toasting both sides, remove from oven and transfer to a cooling rack. As the biscotti cools it will harden.

THAT'S IT! Enjoy!

Bonus: This biscotti is guilt free! Most cinnamon raisin breads have around 80 calories in a slice. Each biscotti is roughly 1/4 of a slice, so you can have a handful at less than 100 calories! This is great for satisfying the need for sweet and crunchy snacks.